Drooling over the new drama right now. In fact, it still airing in Japan (if I am not mistaken at this current). The best thing about this drama is that, the cast. It seem that, almost all of the main "chara" (character), is the one that I've seen before in other Jdrama;

Maki Horikita
-Nobuta wo Produce
-Teppan girl
-Hana Kimi (Hanazakari no Kimi Tachi e)

Mukai Osamu
Maki Horikita
-Nobuta wo Produce
-Teppan girl
-Hana Kimi (Hanazakari no Kimi Tachi e)

Mukai Osamu
-Nodame Cantabile
Yusuke Yamamoto
-Hana Kimi
Koji Seto
-Kamen Rider Kiva
p/s:muka dia cam Abg Zoe kan dalam Gerak Geri Gasing kat Astro Ceria. Hehe...
Well, the other chara is still unfamiliar with me. In times, mabe.... So, I've just watched the first episode. And it is awesome. We, as the audience keep on comparing the other Jdrama tha we've watched and still looking for the gist of the Jdrama that can make us be apart of the addiction. In my opinion, instead of the chara the storyline is what making me stuck infront of the laptop to watch the AnD.
Teaser: Chisato (played by Maki), who lost her mother at a young age due to sickness had to spent her youth trying to escape from the huge debt her father left her, and her battle with the repossessors unfolded every night.
However, her life changed after meeting one man named Shinzo, changing her views on the meaning of "family." Shinzo comes from a rich family tracing back to the Edo period, and he adopted six good-looking sons (including Mukai, Koji and Yusuke) with the hope of one becoming his successor, but all of them have strange personalities.
Shinzo promises to free Chisato from her debt if she marries him and becomes the mother of his sons. However, a life with these six guys under one roof will not go smoothly
Though it seem like a heavy drama, but no, it wasn't. AnD is a comdey drama that can be enjoyed by anyone (maybe). It is so different in that sense with the other that I've watched before.
p/s: a must-watch Jdrama for the J-addicts.
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