During my flight back and forth KL-Cape Town, I once watched Afdlin's masterpieces 'Papadom' and 'Setem'. Awesome and fantastic. Through out watching both movies, I always kept in my head saying that, "No wonder they've won a lot of awards". Most recommended!
It has been a while I haven't updated or even goes online. This latest updates that I'm attracted to gets into is the latest Beyonce's cancellation (postponed, lets pray the concert didn't need to be cancelled) to make concert in Malaysia. Supposedly, last 25th October, Malaysia will be witnessing for the first time Beyonce performance. Due to some reason. which we know why (I guess...for the same reason), the concert have to be postponed.
That sounds Bad, as I can say this. But on the other part, I may have to bow down and let the concert to be postponed. No, not because I'm agreeing with the fact that it has to be postponed because of this "a lot of protest & banned against it". Just becuse, I got exam lah.
But, I'm pretty sure if the I am concert tour will be on again, I'll be the one to book (and buy lah, of course), the ticket.
I supposed, this is the first time I've watched Harry Potter without reading the book first.
My exact purpose to Mid Valley yesterday was to watch Yasmin's Talentime. From the ads, they saying that in support for the Yasmin Ahmad's "dana", they screening it back. Unfortunately, things doesn't go like what I've planned. Shocked* Maybe I was too late, or maybe the GSC in Mid Valley didn't relate at all with the programs. Either way, I felt depressed. I've always been looking for a time to watch the movie. But due to many unrelated circumstances, I didn't have the chance to do so. Enough of that.
As I was saying, yesterday, after browsing through all the movies that are going to be screen on that day.... including G.I Joe, Transformers(can't believe they still have it), proposal etc... I was surprised, total surprised when Harry Potter already out. I thought it will be later after August, maybe. But this time, it feels like it comes to you and you didn't have to wait. Yesteryears, I've been always be one of the guys who counting days for Harry Potter to come. This time, without notice. Maybe the ads on H.P is less or maybe I've been one who missing almost everything. As if you know what I mean.
On the movie. 3.75 or maybe 4 star instead. I like it a lot. When they labelled it as 13pg (parental guide), you must already expecting something good going to come. More violent, evil, scary...... I can pretty said that I'm satisfied. The storyline from the beginning until the end was all superb. They didn't drag silly stuff from one scene to the other, every scene seem like all related. Get adrenaline rush at certain scene, I spoof uncertainly, which I can say AWESOME. What else, I LIKE IT A LOT. But maybe there are certain scene which seem too loose and hanging. We need to know what happen next, but no, maybe they ask us to look for the answer in the book. Now I know how does it feel to be lost in a movie. The fighting scene seem less astonishing. We need more. Like in H.P and the Order of Phoenix, I think the fighting scene is better especially when Sirius Black death caused me tears. One thing I remember the most when watching H.P and the order of Phoenix...... I kept hugging my bags all the time because everything seem even more scarier.
p/s: really like the inner-deep Draco Malfoy's character which is so dark. You didn't know what will happen. (Unless you read the book, LOL)
Glad that I notice myself, "I'm not a big fan of Suju".
Begin with the most hectic song of the year, Sorry Sorry, I realize that Suju can make it BIG. Talk about Its You, my favourite song from Suju's 3rd album so far aside from Monster & Reset. (Most recommended song to be listen). Well back to the main topic, I am not a big fan of suju. No offense. They are good but not so before.
One of my Bestie recommended Suju to me before the releasing of the 3rd album, and to be honest I had never fall in love with anything that they do. The song, the dance..... it was all mess up & too cute for a guy. I know that a lot of girls out there are drooling on this group (esp when 13 guys do cute stuff together), to me it was all lame. "OK lah for fun".
Yesterday, coincidentally my remote switched onto 708 (8tv), late night show, I saw this PV with this bunch of hideous guys singing not so likeable song to be heard by my ear. (Contoversial statement). I switched back to 713/714 at a glance. Didn't want to ruined my sense of hearing. At that time I didn't know who were the artists. From my first impression, that must be some sort of Japanese. I guess.
Just now, I've opened Youtube. Guess what. After clicking from one video to the other, I've linked to the same song which I've watched last night. But now is different, I am now know who the artist. Gosh...... It was Suju. Sigh* The song itself, it is not that BAD, but it just not right. Glad that I've never like the old Suju. Now, way much better. I am still one of their fan though!
A director-known more as Malaysia's true storyteller, Yasmin Ahmad, left us (last Saturday-26th of July) due to stroke and cerebral hemorrhage. Her sudden death was a tragic lost to Malaysia. Her holistic-masterpiece which were all relating to culture and controversial issues in Malaysia were her gifts to us, for us to think and deeply goes into the reason of everything.
Me, I was in a terrible shock after hearing to the news especially when I adore her so much. Leaving us with meaningful ads and films, Yasmin Ahmad is one of a kind.
p/S: Going to miss the time where, every Hari Raya or even Independence Day, Yasmin's ads will be the one which I'm looking for the most.
The first word that splurge out from my mouth at the moment I saw the pictures of Emma Watson in the new Burberry campaign was OH MY GOD! Honestly~ I didn't expect things would go that better. When celebrities goes fashion with their own line such J.Lo, Hilary Duff, Olsen's twins, etc.... I didn't see any TOP Models shine through. Celebrities are just celebrities. Unlike, Avril Lavigne at the first place. When she appears for Chanel (promoted by Karl Lagerfield), I was blown away. Have seen the pictures? She was damn hot.
This time around Emma Watson was another celebrities which breaks the dormancy. Looking at the pictures, you can tell that, "yeah, she have the Emma Watson's look"..."are you sure it was her?". It is another side of her in a fashion sense. Way far from the school girl appearance which enshrouding over her shoulders. Been a long time Emma's fan, doesn't bias me to tell her that she is a TOP model.
How awesome. Drooling over the look. *Taken from galaxieblog.com.
Lately, my bee-hive hair has gettin' worsen. It is not because of dandruff, fleas or even any hair problems that I have to deal with. It is even worst than that. How can I say this? I'm actually ran out of idea on how to styling my hair the stylish way that I could. The problem is that, my hair is not that short and not that long. So far, the best way for me to making it more cooler rather than cold is to hid it with my sister's hair band. Even though, it is one of a female essential, it doesn't mean that I couldn't look any less masculine. (Am I right?)
#Supposedly my hair at this current looks like this but way messier than this one. I bet you wouldn't wanna look.
Btw, I do care much with my hair right now. Didn't wanna get a hair cut. Rebonding seems like a bad idea. ALMOST (actually ALL) every people around me were much against the idea of a men getting a hair rebonding. Why? Wanna have one. Atleast one in a life time.
Right now still figurring how am I gonna deal with the problems. Below were just some ideas that might helped me out. But am I brave enough to styling the style. Times knows.
So, here we goes. I just wake up from my wonderland and grab some new messages from my mailbox.
"Warner Brothers Pictures is proud a Special Screening for GHOSTS OF GIRLFRIENDS PAST 2 days before its release in Malaysia just for Nuffnangers! Here are 3 simple steps to get yourself and a friend invited for this special screening:
Write a blog post on your blog with the title ‘I Can Relate to Ghosts of Girlfriends Past‘. You’re free to write about your opinion on the movie, relate it with your won experience of being in a relationship with someone as playful as Connor Mead or any related topics. Feel free to use pictures or videos to illustrate yourself if necessary."
Frankly speaking, I've never ever dating and even had a girlfriend. Having a crush on somebody is another thing but nop, I never have one. So, how can 'I Relate to Ghost of Girlfriends' if I never have one.
Btw, on relationship itself, I've always been the closest to girls rather than guys (in term of friendship). Didn't know why, maybe this is what we called a nature in me where I can easily understand girls from any perspective. Maybe because of that, girls often see me as a bestfriend rather than a boyfriend in that sense.
Recently, I just got some arguments with one of my best friend. Her BF told her that she had to leave me (even though as a friend) because he felt very jealous with our friendship. The funny part is that she really did left me without any hesitation. I just like WHAT? How could her? We even know each other longer than her BF and when she was told to do so, she just did. What kind of a 'girl'friend is that?
Know, the only thing that remain in me is the ghost of her.
Drooling over the new drama right now. In fact, it still airing in Japan (if I am not mistaken at this current). The best thing about this drama is that, the cast. It seem that, almost all of the main "chara" (character), is the one that I've seen before in other Jdrama;
Maki Horikita
-Nobuta wo Produce
-Teppan girl
-Hana Kimi (Hanazakari no Kimi Tachi e)
Mukai Osamu
-Honey & Clover (Hachimitsu to Clover)
-Nodame Cantabile
Yusuke Yamamoto
-Hana Kimi
Koji Seto
-Kamen Rider Kiva
p/s:muka dia cam Abg Zoe kan dalam Gerak Geri Gasing kat Astro Ceria. Hehe...
Well, the other chara is still unfamiliar with me. In times, mabe.... So, I've just watched the first episode. And it is awesome. We, as the audience keep on comparing the other Jdrama tha we've watched and still looking for the gist of the Jdrama that can make us be apart of the addiction. In my opinion, instead of the chara the storyline is what making me stuck infront of the laptop to watch the AnD.
Teaser: Chisato (played by Maki), who lost her mother at a young age due to sickness had to spent her youth trying to escape from the huge debt her father left her, and her battle with the repossessors unfolded every night.
However, her life changed after meeting one man named Shinzo, changing her views on the meaning of "family." Shinzo comes from a rich family tracing back to the Edo period, and he adopted six good-looking sons (including Mukai, Koji and Yusuke) with the hope of one becoming his successor, but all of them have strange personalities.
Shinzo promises to free Chisato from her debt if she marries him and becomes the mother of his sons. However, a life with these six guys under one roof will not go smoothly
Though it seem like a heavy drama, but no, it wasn't. AnD is a comdey drama that can be enjoyed by anyone (maybe). It is so different in that sense with the other that I've watched before.
I’ve seen and read a lot of articles, doubting the credibility of the female reflection of Big Bang, 2NE1. Yeah, I can say that their sense style of fashion and music were almost the same. Especially when 2NE1 try to deal with colors and a touch of hip hop sense in their style. Big Bang was like the trendsetter of their own labels and 2NE1 like the copycat of what they did. Nah, there should be no problems with that.
Fashion is not legally authorized personnel which you have to stick to your own. Copying and modifying sometimes can leads to a better one.
Listening to their latest single, Lollipop, was such an experience. Hehe……. They (both Big Bang and 2ne1) sound good along each other. The song is such an undeniable. Love the disco funky groovy kind of genre with the sense of modernity. Wewh, that is really deep.
I got Big Bang-Flu recently. It is so hideous to find out that this disease is so critical like you cannot even stop and thinking. As if you know what I mean. Hold up a sec! Yup, a theory of Big Bang is not what I'm trying to say here (as my Amusement's Blog has nothing to do with Theory). Big Bang another music group from Korea has already clinging under my heart. Love the Music.
It was all begin when I've heard Cingkui's (My besto, Huda) Caller Ringtone. The moment she answered me, I directly asked her, "Where did you get that Caller Ringtone. What Group? Don't tell me it's Super Junior".
"No, its Big Bang"
I was kind of think twice on that moment. I've heard Big Bang's Song before, Gee (The song name). Frankly speaking, it was disastrous just like the other oldies hip hop song. Since then, I had my mindset for Big Bang, "a bunch of Hip Hop Group that was way to far from the Real World definition of music". But as soon as I listen to "LIES" on Cingkui's Caller Ringtone that moment, I was felt. That is the strong point of a song which is hard to find. By just to listen to a part of the song and let it captivates you to listen it until the song ends. One in a Million.
Since then, I keep browsing for Big Bang in the internet. Shockingly-excited to know that they won a lot of Prestigious Award especially for the Best Song of the Year in MNET Music Festival 2007 through Lies. (I know that I was way Far Left Behind, but it is Okay to start somewhere).
At last, dapat gak aku tengok satu anugerah (sort of) Malaysia fully. Bukan apa, since masuk alam Sekolah Menengah especially kat Seksyen 18 aku memang lah takde kesempatan nak tengok benda kejadah camni either, Malaysian Idol, OIAM, AIM, Anugerah Skrin dan AJL. Walupun, sometimes aku rasa cam xde faedah tengok benda2 camni tapi to me it is a pleasure not be missed out.
AJL malam tadi, mmmhhhh..... everybody got their own opinion and point. Cam Kak Yong, she keep on criticising the make up that the artists wear. Aku lak cam, who cares. Tapi that's her. Overall I like with what they done last night. The performance especially. Congratulation Meet Uncle Hussain. Memang they deserve to be the Juara Lagu. Although aku sebenarnya tak lah obses sangat ngan Indie group tapi aku rasa dat some of 'em sounds brutally awesome including M.U.H. Lagu Untukmu memang dah lama menjadi one of my favourite song since before tapi sebab certain people yang terlalu menatijahkan kefanatikan mereka terhadap Indie band membuatkan aku jadi loya dan hilang selera nak minat dat kind of band. Cam "Takkan Indie hilang di dunia" or "Once Indie always an Indie".........Whatever! Repeat:aku sebenarnya tak lah obses sangat ngan Indie group tapi aku rasa dat some of 'em sounds brutally awesome including M.U.H. Which is to say, aku xlah anti kat mereka2 nie pon.
-love how they do it with their face, the puppet kinda look"
Pastu the Faizal Tahir's winning, memanglah banyak mengundang kontroversi so far. Terlalu ramai typical Malay fan esp. Ziana Zain's fan yang cakap Ziana should win that Best Vocal Award. What? Just because she is a Diva aka Otai dalam bab2 vocal nie and does that mean she should won that award. Just now aku dgr balik da exact performance dia nyanyi kat AJL through HOT fm, pergh awfull ar. Terlalu banyak sangat drama & adegan tarik menarik suara since the beginning of the song plus suara ala2 sedeyh kat penghujung lagu. Bukannya sedap pon, walupon aku nie juz nobody in the music industry and aku pon cakap through my sense of hearing, honestly speaking... she doesn't sounds good like she was before. Noktah.
And.... Faizal Tahir nya lagu for Sampai Syurga memang sedap. Well, pemenang AIM kot, who can't denies his credibility in Music. Best performance! Memang da judges dah wat pilihan yang tepat. Da funny thing is, time dengar kat Hot.fm ada yang x faham kenapa dia kena gunting rambut kat stage. Duh, thats what we called art (abstract). See, wasn't it creative. Sepanjang 23 AJL, does any performance yang wat cam2.... xde lg kan. Hehe..
I found out that Faizal Tahir's performance 65% similar ngan lagu Leona Lewis which is called Better in Time time awal2 nie:
Apa2 pon puas hati ar ngan performance malam tadi. Looking forward for another up coming AJL, maybe kalo leyh nak M.U.H masuk lagi through Pari-pari, Aizat ngan Fikirlah, Siti ngan theme song Spa Q2 and Suki ngan usah. Pergh.. aku pon still layan lagu malay rupanya. Saper yg cakap aku nie minat JPon jerk?