I supposed, this is the first time I've watched Harry Potter without reading the book first.
My exact purpose to Mid Valley yesterday was to watch Yasmin's Talentime. From the ads, they saying that in support for the Yasmin Ahmad's "dana", they screening it back. Unfortunately, things doesn't go like what I've planned. Shocked* Maybe I was too late, or maybe the GSC in Mid Valley didn't relate at all with the programs. Either way, I felt depressed. I've always been looking for a time to watch the movie. But due to many unrelated circumstances, I didn't have the chance to do so. Enough of that.
As I was saying, yesterday, after browsing through all the movies that are going to be screen on that day.... including G.I Joe, Transformers(can't believe they still have it), proposal etc... I was surprised, total surprised when Harry Potter already out. I thought it will be later after August, maybe. But this time, it feels like it comes to you and you didn't have to wait. Yesteryears, I've been always be one of the guys who counting days for Harry Potter to come. This time, without notice. Maybe the ads on H.P is less or maybe I've been one who missing almost everything. As if you know what I mean.

On the movie. 3.75 or maybe 4 star instead. I like it a lot. When they labelled it as 13pg (parental guide), you must already expecting something good going to come. More violent, evil, scary...... I can pretty said that I'm satisfied. The storyline from the beginning until the end was all superb. They didn't drag silly stuff from one scene to the other, every scene seem like all related. Get adrenaline rush at certain scene, I spoof uncertainly, which I can say AWESOME. What else, I LIKE IT A LOT. But maybe there are certain scene which seem too loose and hanging. We need to know what happen next, but no, maybe they ask us to look for the answer in the book. Now I know how does it feel to be lost in a movie. The fighting scene seem less astonishing. We need more. Like in H.P and the Order of Phoenix, I think the fighting scene is better especially when Sirius Black death caused me tears. One thing I remember the most when watching H.P and the order of Phoenix...... I kept hugging my bags all the time because everything seem even more scarier.
p/s: really like the inner-deep Draco Malfoy's character which is so dark. You didn't know what will happen. (Unless you read the book, LOL)