AJL malam tadi, mmmhhhh..... everybody got their own opinion and point. Cam Kak Yong, she keep on criticising the make up that the artists wear. Aku lak cam, who cares. Tapi that's her. Overall I like with what they done last night. The performance especially. Congratulation Meet Uncle Hussain. Memang they deserve to be the Juara Lagu. Although aku sebenarnya tak lah obses sangat ngan Indie group tapi aku rasa dat some of 'em sounds brutally awesome including M.U.H. Lagu Untukmu memang dah lama menjadi one of my favourite song since before tapi sebab certain people yang terlalu menatijahkan kefanatikan mereka terhadap Indie band membuatkan aku jadi loya dan hilang selera nak minat dat kind of band. Cam "Takkan Indie hilang di dunia" or "Once Indie always an Indie".........Whatever! Repeat:aku sebenarnya tak lah obses sangat ngan Indie group tapi aku rasa dat some of 'em sounds brutally awesome including M.U.H. Which is to say, aku xlah anti kat mereka2 nie pon.
-love how they do it with their face, the puppet kinda look"
Pastu the Faizal Tahir's winning, memanglah banyak mengundang kontroversi so far. Terlalu ramai typical Malay fan esp. Ziana Zain's fan yang cakap Ziana should win that Best Vocal Award. What? Just because she is a Diva aka Otai dalam bab2 vocal nie and does that mean she should won that award. Just now aku dgr balik da exact performance dia nyanyi kat AJL through HOT fm, pergh awfull ar. Terlalu banyak sangat drama & adegan tarik menarik suara since the beginning of the song plus suara ala2 sedeyh kat penghujung lagu. Bukannya sedap pon, walupon aku nie juz nobody in the music industry and aku pon cakap through my sense of hearing, honestly speaking... she doesn't sounds good like she was before. Noktah.
And.... Faizal Tahir nya lagu for Sampai Syurga memang sedap. Well, pemenang AIM kot, who can't denies his credibility in Music. Best performance! Memang da judges dah wat pilihan yang tepat. Da funny thing is, time dengar kat Hot.fm ada yang x faham kenapa dia kena gunting rambut kat stage. Duh, thats what we called art (abstract). See, wasn't it creative. Sepanjang 23 AJL, does any performance yang wat cam2.... xde lg kan. Hehe..
I found out that Faizal Tahir's performance 65% similar ngan lagu Leona Lewis which is called Better in Time time awal2 nie:
Apa2 pon puas hati ar ngan performance malam tadi. Looking forward for another up coming AJL, maybe kalo leyh nak M.U.H masuk lagi through Pari-pari, Aizat ngan Fikirlah, Siti ngan theme song Spa Q2 and Suki ngan usah. Pergh.. aku pon still layan lagu malay rupanya. Saper yg cakap aku nie minat JPon jerk?