Another thing.......Haruhi, a girl from a commoners family got in it (into the school) because of a scholarship sponsored by the father of Tamaki which was also the Founder's of the Ouran High School.
The story begins when Haruhi went into a Music Room to find a her own places to study. Lucky/Unluckily, a bunch of Kawaii, hot guys (The Host Club) already got the place and made troubles to Haruhi. In fact, the room is the Host club centre to do their activities. Due to some reason, Haruhi have to repay the boys back by working to them.
After some moment, Tamaki (the Host Club leader) found a very hidden talent in Haruhi to be a part of the club. Instead of working for the Club, Tamaki turned Haruhi to working with the club to pay what she've done before.

This the Best Anime I've watched so far along with CardCaptor Sakura which like 10 years before. I can say that, Ive laughed a lot through each episode and cried at the same time. This is the Anime not to be missed to those who were a Japanese Freak like me. I really like the ending where how Haruhi trying to denied and confessed at the same time her true hearts to the one that she love. The last minute antagonist was also a damn-work-irritating kind of character. I didn't expected this is how they gonna end the Anime. Argh........ Super Kawaii and extremely Fun.
Beside that, I've heard some rumours saying that this Anime going to turned itself into a live action. It'll be pretty exciting especially when the expected cast that going to starring in this Live Action was like Maki Horikita (as Haruhi) and other talented star which already made their names in the other Jdorama.
p/s: Really like the OST, Shissou sang by The Last Alliance.